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Affiliate Program

Last Updated August 2024

Additional Terms / FAQ

How can I market CMV?

You may not represent CMV membership, or any specific model we publish, as financial advice or as a short term trading strategy. For example: "Beat the market with these tools", "Get rich with these models", etc. CMV is an educational resource to be used in conjunction with other tools and resources when making financial decisions. Feel free to contact us if you are uncertain about the language you plan to use. We will terminate your affiliate status if we feel you are marketing the product in a predatory way.

Are there minimums or maximums?

No, neither. If you just want to make a few bucks by telling some close friends about CMV, that's great. The affiliate program is dead simple (and free) to join. On the other hand if you have a platform that reaches millions and want to earn significant income, the program can scale all the way up.

How quickly will I get paid?

In order to allow some time for refunds, chargebacks, or disputes, we need to wait 45 days after receiving payment from the customer before paying affiliates. However, unlike many other affiliate programs, there is no minimum threshold dollar amount that you need to accrue before payment is made. If we owe you $5, we'll send you $5.

How long does someone have to sign up after using my link?

If someone uses your affiliate link to visit CMV, then if they purchase a membership within the next 90 days it will be attributed to you. This is true even if during the subsequent 90 days they visit CMV from other sources -- including from other referral/affiliate links.

How long will this program last?

We intend to offer this program as long as possible. However, we rely on several third party services / payment processors in order to manage affiliates and make payments, and we cannot guarantee that they will continue to operate their services in perpetuity. Therefore, we reserve the right to terminate the affiliate program at any time.

How are payments made?

Currently, we only make payments via PayPal.