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Understand US Stock Market Valuation

CMV tracks long-term stock market valuation models, as well as market sentiment and economic indicators tailored for financial professionals, advisors, and retail investors. Explore our tools to evaluate whether the market is overvalued or undervalued, and become a member (7-day free trial) for access to premium models, more data and analysis, and weekly data updates.

This data is an educational resource to better understand market and business cycles. While these cycles often correlate well with stock performance, the analysis should not be used as a short-term trading strategy, or as some kind of implied get-rich-quick scheme. If you're looking for investment advice, you can find our perspective here.

Each of our models uses historical data to determine a baseline, and expresses current values in terms of the current data's number of standard deviations above or below that baseline trend. More information on model ratings is available here.

CMV is supported by members, who enjoy more frequent model updates and other additional content.

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Aggregate Market Value Index

Available only to members, this is our aggregate score of the current valuation of the US stock market.

See how the index correlates against future stock market returns.

Market Valuation Models

Recession Indicator Models

Market Sentiment Models